With the cost of living and inflation skyrocketing, everyone is looking for the best way to save money on everyday items from gas to groceries and everything in between. Monthly household expenses such as energy costs can really add up, especially in the scorching hot summer months when air conditioners are running at full blast and the kids are home from school. Furthermore, if your home or business’s exterior is dirty with that all too common summer mold, mildew and dirt, you could be spending more than you need to on energy costs. Here are top 3 benefits of SoftWashing during the summer to save on energy costs and more:
Benefit #1: You Can Save Money On Your Energy Bills
Those dark spots and streaks on your property’s exterior draw in the sunlight and trap in the heat. SoftWashing doesn’t just clean -- it sterilizes and eliminates that unsightly black and green growth at the root of the problem. This inhibits future growth, removes the dark spots and stains and saves you money on your electric bill while keeping your home summer entertaining ready or your business ready to welcome customers. SoftWashing your home exterior can also help improve its insulation. This means that you’ll be able to save money on your energy bills year round. In fact, many homeowners find that they’re able to reduce their energy costs by up to 30% after SoftWashing their home.
Benefit #2: SoftWashing Can Extend The Lifespan of Your Exterior
SoftWashing preserves the paint and siding of your exterior. Over time, siding and paint will start to deteriorate as it is exposed to dirt, mold, mildew and other environmental contaminants. The deterioration process speeds up in the summer months with your exterior getting little to no reprieve from the extreme heat, sun and torrential rains. SoftWashing helps to preserve your exterior by removing built-up dirt or grime that can cause damage over time, saving you money on costly paint jobs or re-siding.
Benefit #3: SoftWashing Provides Lasting Results
SoftWashing products use a specialized blend of biodegradable chemicals to kill environmental contaminants such as algae, mold or mildew. These products not only clean away unsightly black and green streaks from your exterior, they also inhibit bio-growth, which ensures your exterior will stay cleaner and rid of these organisms longer. By SoftWashing on a regular schedule, your home or business will remain free of the unsightly dark spots and your siding and exterior and paint will maintain its effectiveness, original color and “like new” splendor.
SoftWashing is one of the most effective ways to save on energy and repair and replacement costs in the summer and year round! We serve the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex and surrounding areas and specialize in Residential, Commercial and Multi-Unit. Soft Washing is the safe, environmentally friendly alternative to power washing. We are proud to be Veteran Owned & Operated. For more information, call us at 972-402-6810 or contact us here.