November is here and that means the holiday season is officially upon us. And that means it is time to think about welcoming holiday guests with a clean exterior by washing away the summer and early fall remnants -- yes we are talking about that mildew on your exterior and algae growth on your roof! Now is the time to take a look at your home’s exterior and prepare for your holiday guests and decorating with SoftWashing. We have outlined the top 3 reasons it is so important to get your home exterior holiday ready.
Reason #1: You’ll Want To Welcome Your Holiday Guests With Curb Appeal
SoftWashing can add instant curb appeal to your exterior by removing unsightly dirt stains and algae so that your home’s exterior is clean from top to bottom. With SoftWashing, your roof will look new, paint colors will be vibrant and sharp again, garage doors will glow, and doorframes will beam as brightly as your holiday lights.
Reason #2: Hanging Holiday Lights On A Dirty Exterior “Illuminates” The Problem/Causes
Hanging holiday lights on a dirty exterior will literally highlight the dirt and detract from the splendor of the lights and other decorations. Not to mention, your lights and decorations will get dirty too as they will rub up against a dirty roof and exterior transferring dirt and debris onto them. Imagine having to deep clean light strand after light strand and your decorations because they were placed on a dirty surface. You can save that time and energy by putting up your lights on a clean roof and exterior by having your home professionally SoftWashed in advance of the December holidays.
Reason #3: Dirty Sidewalks & Walkways Can Cause Falls
Imagine that patch of mildew that appeared in early fall meeting with the cool dry air and first snow! It’s a recipe for a slippery surface that can lead to you or your holiday guests falling. What’s more, as your guests approach your house via your driveway and walkways, you don’t want dirt, mildew or black streaks to be the first thing that greets your guests!
We can help make sure your home is ready for the holidays. We serve the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex and surrounding areas and specialize in Residential, Commercial and Multi-Unit. Soft Washing is the safe, environmentally friendly alternative to power washing. We are proud to be Veteran Owned & Operated. For more information, call us at 972-402-6810 or contact us here.