Business owners know the importance of cleanliness in the areas where their customers or clients visit. Clean and organized businesses look professional and make customers feel like they are in a place that reflects the level of service and quality they desire. While it is important for your business front and customer facing areas to be clean, it is equally as important that hygienic practices should carry into staff-only and out of sight areas too. This includes often neglected spots like dumpsters. Here are three reasons why keeping your dumpsters clean and free of dirt and grease is vitally important.
Reason #1: SoftWashing Eradicates The Dirt and Grease That Attracts Pests
From attracting all sorts of pests like rats, mice, raccoons, skunks and insects like cockroaches and flies, dirt and grease is not only unsightly, it forms odors that attract these unwanted critters. A dirty dumpster also attracts any creature that wants nesting areas and nesting material and/or a food source. Moreover, infestations cause a potential health hazard because they expose anyone that uses the dumpster to animals that could carry a number of diseases. Another concern is that infestations do not always remain outside. Once a dumpster is empty or inclement weather arrives the creatures may move inside for more food or a safer shelter.
SoftWashing uses safe chemicals to aid in the break-down of grease and contaminants so they can be easily washed away. The products used in the SoftWash System not only clean, they penetrate, sterilize and eliminate the root of the problem, while inhibiting future growth of mold, and other environmental contaminants.
Reason #2: SoftWashing Eliminates Odors
As we know, dumpsters hold a large variety of garbage including food waste. Scheduling a regular dumpster cleaning to prevent odors from becoming detectable indoors or around the exterior of the building is important. SoftWashing cleans the container thoroughly and eliminates and also can help prevent recurring odors by sterilizing and eliminating contaminants such as mold and mildew at its root cause and helping prevent regrowth.
Reason #3: SoftWashing Can Help Prevent Inventory Contamination
Dumpsters and loading docks are areas that are constantly exposed to the weather, foot traffic and vehicles. Dirt and debris carried in with every shipment can lead to contamination and the dirt getting inside your business. Hosing down dumpsters and loading areas like this is not only ineffective, hosing areas may even lead to environmental contamination. Keeping these areas clean with regular SoftWashing to ensure that the contaminants are eliminated properly is very important.
SoftWashing is the most effective way to clean dumpsters and loading areas to ensure your business remains clean and sanitary for your customers. We serve the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex and surrounding areas and specialize in Residential, Commercial and Multi-Unit. Soft Washing is the safe, environmentally friendly alternative to power washing. We are proud to be Veteran Owned & Operated. For more information, call us at 972-402-6810 or contact us here.